Monday, March 3, 2014

The Epidemic

WRITE. Every day in March write a slice of life story on your own blog.
SHARE. Link your post in the comments  at TWT.
GIVE. Comment on at least three other slice of life stories/blogs

      Something's in the air. And it's not good.  I had two students go home today with the stomach bug.  Not too unusual because we know how quickly germs can spread especially in a classroom or school.  One of us at our household has been hit and the dreadful waiting and wondering if the rest of us will.  I am hearing from colleagues that their classrooms have had low numbers because of various illnesses going around. I guess we have to chalk it up to "it's that time of year".         
      What I do find more puzzling is the concussion epidemic, so it seems.  I had a student out for a couple weeks during football  season (4 of his teammates also received concussions) and in the last week I have had two diagnosed with concussions.  One hit his head during basketball, the other while sledding.  I don't remember hearing about concussions when I was growing up playing sports or participating in active games.  Why? Are sports that much more competitive and hard core or were we unaware or ignore signs of a concussion.  No matter the reason, we need to take this injury seriously.  We can't rush our kids back to school and especially not to sports.  Their brains are precious gifts that need tender loving care so they can use them to think, wonder and be the future of our world.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Needed: Cat Whisperer

WRITE. Every day in March write a slice of life story on your own blog.
SHARE. Link your post in the comments  at TWT.
GIVE. Comment on at least three other slice of life stories/blogs

I have heard of a horse whisperer, a dog whisperer and even a book whisperer. I am in need of a cat whisper. I desperately need one. I have two cats who do not get along and cause a ruckus in our home. I am at my whits end.  Please advise if you have words of wisdom in how we can work with our cats. They are continuously...

  • Scratching doors to go outside
  • Scratching doors to get indoors
  • Ripping screens (We can not open windows for fresh air because of bugs)
  • Pouncing on us while sleeping
  • Fighting with each other
  • Cuddling and then turning on us and scratching
  • Grabbing and biting our legs as we go up or downstairs
  • Jumping on kitchen counters
and the list goes on...but I really want it to STOP!

Gratitude Sunday

Sundays I will be joining Taryn at Wooly Moss Roots for. . .
Join Us!

Sunday's heartfelt tradition. 
A time to slow down, 
to reflect, to be grateful. 
A list of gratitudes.  
  • Pink and white tulips welcoming me home after a long week at school.
  • A long overdue get together with a dear friend.
  • After school drinks with colleagues and friends.
  • A warm crackling fire to warm us from a bitter cold winter day.
  • Reading Stuart Little as a family.
  • A stay at home Saturday to watch the start of the Iditarod.
  • Words with Friends.  I love words and games.  A perfect combination.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Use the Pan

WRITE. Every day in March write a slice of life story on your own blog. SHARE. Link your post in the comments on each daily call for slice of life stories here at TWT. GIVE. Comment on at least three other slice of life stories/blogs.
WRITE. Every day in March write a slice of life story on your own blog.
SHARE. Link your post in the comments  at TWT.
GIVE. Comment on at least three other slice of life stories/blogs

     I cannot emphasis enough the importance of using the pan.  Last night my daughter told me her tummy was not feeling well. She put on her jammies and went to bed with "the pan" in hand without complaint. Unusual for my daughter to head to bed without a fight, I knew her complaints were legit. A half hour later my son is yelling down the stairs, "Mom, Helena is puking!" And puking she was, all over herself and her bed. There sitting on the floor was a perfectly clean, spotless pan, "the pan". The pan that is designated just for this purpose.  Don't get me wrong, I was feeling awful for my daughter, vomiting is one of the WORST! But, if she had just reached slightly over and grabbed the pan I would not have had to encounter the laundering of the sick covered bedding.  GAG! This is the second worst thing. After disposing of the heavily soaked and coated items, I took to the laundry room.  Bedding, clothing and last of the detergent filled the washer.

     This morning when planning to transfer  the clothes to the drier, I found the laundry sitting in disgustingly dark, dirty, and smelly water. PERFECT. Now is not the time for my washer to fail me. I have sick covered and contaminated clothing to clean, but it will not drain. Service can come Tuesday. Tuesday? But, it's only Saturday. So, I trudged down to the basement, plunged my hands into the ice cold water, removed, wrung and discarded the soiled laundry.   Thankfully, when I went racing to my daughter's side when I heard coughing this morning, in her hands she was grasping, "The Pan"!  Good job, Helena!  Later, when she's better, we'll go shopping and pick out new sheets. and a blanket.