Sunday, August 11, 2013

Gratitude Sunday

Sundays I will be joining Taryn at Wooly Moss Roots for. . .

Sunday's heartfelt tradition. 
A time to slow down, 
to reflect, to be grateful. 
A list of gratitudes.  

I am grateful for: 
~ My friends who I share conversations and laughter.
~ The smell of freshly cut grass.

~ Walking around the neighborhood.

~ The smile on my son's face as he clears the football field and says, "That was far the best night."

~ The sound of pouring rain through the open windows.

~My 10yo asking me to cuddle at bedtime.

~ My 6yo falling asleep on me, and listening to her sweet snoring.
~ A clean house!
~ Louie Schwartzberg for creating this video to remind us that every day is precious. We have to take the time to notice.

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