Friday, August 23, 2013

{this moment}

A Friday ritual Inspired by SouleMama
A single photo (or two) – no words – capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember...



Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

I am joining bloggers for Wordless Wednesday.  I will share a photo that I have taken that inspires me to think, question, feel or smile.  I hope it does the same for you.

...because pictures are worth a thousand words


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Car Crisis #2

Sitting off the side of highway 9 on a patch of itchy burnt grass, my son says smiling, "This is exciting mom; breaking down, no brakes." He was not sitting in the driver's seat when the car just completely turned off.  No power steering or brakes. Thankfully I was able to slow down enough in the breakdown lane to pull into an abandoned parking lot and pull the emergency brake.  Ah, breathe, in out in out. We were safe. 
Now, think.  
We need a tow truck. 
Damn, I don't have AAA. 
Luckily I do have a dependable friend who I can trust and fall back onto when such a crisis arises. 
Sitting beside our car a dragonfly landed on my arm..."good luck" my kids yell. Really? How is the situation we are in at the moment lucky, I wonder, and realize we are very fortunate.  First, we had just gotten off interstate 495 onto a small highway.  We were in a parking lot, not the side of the road, we broke down in the town we live in, only 5 minutes from home, and Reggie has Triple AAA.
Waiting for the service truck to arrive another lucky creature landed on me, a lady bug. Reggie then arrived, assuring us the tow truck was coming shortly and then took my kids to pick up some lunch so we could have a road side picnic.  As always, I was prepared with a book emergency. I took out my book and read a few chapters to de-stress.  Yes, we were lucky today!
I'm not so sure how lucky I will feel when I am without a car, but living in the moment I felt very fortunate and thankful.   

Join slicers at Two Writing Teachers
every Tuesday for the Slice of Life Challenge ...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Gratitude Sunday

Sundays I will be joining Taryn at Wooly Moss Roots for. . .

Sunday's heartfelt tradition. 
A time to slow down, 
to reflect, to be grateful. 
A list of gratitudes.  
This week I am grateful for:
*Reading side by side on the couch with my son.
*A clear blue sky.
*Meeting with my co-teacher to plan and discuss our classroom.
*Watching the cousins play and laugh together.
* Having patience with my daughter.
* Back to school shopping (a new wardrobe for myself).
* Two days being kid free...thanks to my brother-in-law who brought the kids camping.
* Healthy hair...cut and colored.
* Watching my son play in his first football game.
* Riding and splashing on Bumper Boats.
* Did I say reading? :)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I'm Stuck

Join slicers at Two Writing Teachers
every Tuesday for the Slice of Life Challenge ...

I'm stuck like a kitten in a tree, glue to paper and a 5th grade student who can't think of a thing to write about.  I go through phases when words just come and I can put pencil to paper, other times I just don't feel inspired.  I don't feel I have anything worthy to write. I am stuck.
Right now life is like groundhog day, basically the same routine over and over.  Don't get me wrong there are times I crave routine.  I know what to expect and can carry on with my day with no unexpected surprises thrown at me to make life complicated. 
For the last two weeks of summer my days start with bringing the kids to camp.  This gives me a block of time to meet with my co-teacher and plan for the new school year.  I have a chance to do some school shopping and then run errands.  When the clan is done with camp it's lunch, cello practice and hanging out until it's time to prepare an early dinner.  Then it's out the door to football practice.  
No complaints, but just not a lot of variety or life lessons to share at the moment.   See you next week, hopefully with a slice worth writing about.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Gratitude Sunday

Sundays I will be joining Taryn at Wooly Moss Roots for. . .

Sunday's heartfelt tradition. 
A time to slow down, 
to reflect, to be grateful. 
A list of gratitudes.  

I am grateful for: 
~ My friends who I share conversations and laughter.
~ The smell of freshly cut grass.

~ Walking around the neighborhood.

~ The smile on my son's face as he clears the football field and says, "That was far the best night."

~ The sound of pouring rain through the open windows.

~My 10yo asking me to cuddle at bedtime.

~ My 6yo falling asleep on me, and listening to her sweet snoring.
~ A clean house!
~ Louie Schwartzberg for creating this video to remind us that every day is precious. We have to take the time to notice.

Friday, August 9, 2013

{this moment}

 A Friday ritual Inspired by SouleMama
A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember...


Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Six years ago
I travelled
to your birth place
a country of
beauty and warmth.

Today we celebrate
your Gotcha Day
the day you were put
into my outstretched arms
waiting to hold you,
hug you,
love you!

Your deep brown eyes
search me
Your small hands
wander my face and
pull my hair
your smile
shines and
melts my heart.

you became
part of
our family...
waiting patiently for you
to be complete us.
You fill the void
with your
your humor
and your laughter.

I am lucky
and blessed
you are my girl!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Gratitude Sunday

Sundays I will be joining Taryn at Wooly Moss Roots for. . .

Sunday's heartfelt tradition. 
A time to slow down, 
to reflect, to be grateful. 
A list of gratitudes.  

I am grateful for: 

~ Books.  Reading relaxes me, entertains me.  I connect with characters and am never "bored".
~ Me time. 
~A quiet house.
~ Watching my children get along and play so well together.
~ Sitting on the town common.  Beautiful green grass, and flowers.  They did a great job designing a welcoming and relaxing place for people to meet and eat. A wonderful place for town activities.
~ Our new Sport Brella. It protects us from the rain and wind while watching my son practice football.
~ Meeting for coffee with a friend and colleague.  It's always nice to catch up.
~Homemade Blueberry Bread made with freshly picked blueberries.  Delicious!
~ Locally grown corn on the cob.  Fresh and sweet.  YUM! 


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

I am joining bloggers for Wordless Wednesday.  I will share a photo that I have taken that inspires me to think, question, feel or smile.  I hope it does the same for you.

...because pictures are worth a thousand words