Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Making Thinking Visible

After many times of talking, modeling and showing how to make your thinking visible while reading students couldn't apply the demonstrated and practiced skill independently.  Today I did a quick mini-lesson.  Four different examples of visible thinking were presented to the group. As a class we compared and contrasted the passages that were highlighted, written on or left alone.  It was unanimous...the passage with highlighted phrases and written thoughts was showing the best thinking.

Next I "tested" their application of the skill in their own reading...YEAH! Every single student demonstrated their understanding through highlighting important information, and writing notes to provide personal insights, thoughts, or questions.  They all proved they could determine importance and main idea through thinking and answering questions correctly.

I have been  teaching through mini-lessons for many years, although, often my lessons weren't so "mini".  I am finally realizing that when I make my lessons short, sweet and to the point they can apply the task or concept on hand.  When I give them too much information, I lose them. 

Lesson learned!

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