Tuesday, July 2, 2013

You Know You're Old When. . .

Tuesday Slice of Life Challenge ...
I am excited to explore my newest passion, writing,
with slicers from Two Writing Teachers.

When I was young I took everything in stride. I lived in the moment. As an adult, everything is just that little bit harder.

As a kid I was never bothered by or even notice the heat and humidity. I welcomed it. As long as I had water to run through or jump in, it was all good. Now, the heat slows me down, I lack energy and truly I can be a little irritable. Not the most pleasant mom to be around.

As a teenager, I could sunbathe for hours to get that perfect tan. Now, I seek cover to prevent sun damaged skin.

As a kid, I welcomed the cold temperatures as well. I loved the white flakes that blanketed our winters, and I enjoyed the sports and chores the snow brought with it. Now, I just assume the cold stay away. I dread the scraping, shoveling and chills I can never seem to escape.

As a kid, I could run and play outside all day and never feel tired or winded. Now, I'm tired by doing household chores and by mid-afternoon I could take a nap (and often do if I have the chance).

As a kid, my head would hit the pillow at night and I was out for the night. Now, I fall asleep to awake at 3:00 in the morning with a two hour bout of insomnia.

As a kid, I could eat whatever I wanted and my body knew when it had enough. Now, I can look at an ice cream and the cellulite forms on my thighs, and I just can't control my food intake.

As a kid, summer vacation seemed to be endless. Time would tick slowly and days would last for years. Now, I blink and my kids are 10 and 6 and I have been teaching for 20 years.

As a kid, I had a great memory.  I remembered everything.  Now, I enter a room and sometimes forget why I am there.

As a kid, when I looked into the mirror I smiled and thought I looked great.  Now, I still think I look pretty good for my age, until I put my glasses on.  Then I see my mother looking back at me.  I see the lines and wrinkles forming, I and understand why god made our eyes also begin to deteriorate at age 40.  The good news is, with getting older comes knowledge and wisdom, but it does not change that the aging body and mind are NOT fun.


  1. This was too fun to read as I could relate to every item. Yup, aging isn't all that fun, but the alternative is worse. :-)

  2. Kristen- I like how your piece had the pattern of "as a kid/ now". It gave your writing a nice rhythm. I too sometimes find myself wishing that I could find my inner child again and enjoy life more. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this humidity passes soon. I'm tired of it too!

  3. I watch my dad at 92. Aging is not for the week. So important to seize the day, don't you think? Just like we might have done as kids. Love your Frozen moments!

  4. At times like these (and I have them, too), it is nice to look back and celebrate that we didn't sit on the sidelines during our youth.
